
Michigan prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-19


The Detroit Free Press reported on August 19th, 2020 that all prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-19 under an emergency order issued that same day. Weekly testing will be required of employees who work in facilities with positive cases confirmed among prisoners or staff within the last 14 days. Testing in those [...]

Michigan prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-192020-08-27T08:25:54-04:00

Coronavirus surges again in Michigan Prisons, with biggest outbreak since spring


In an article published August 13, 2020, MLive reports that Michigan is experiencing the largest outbreak of COVID-19 in its prisons since spring. Muskegon Correctional Facility is reported to have close to 400 cases, while Newberry Correctional Facility in the Upper Peninsula reportedly has 32 inmates testing positive. Prison staff are also impacted - 8 [...]

Coronavirus surges again in Michigan Prisons, with biggest outbreak since spring2020-08-14T15:53:41-04:00

The Marshall Project: A State-by-State Look at Coronavirus in Prisons


The Marshall Project is a non-profit journalism project that is tracking COVID-19 infections in state and federal prisons. Interactive data helps people see just how widespread COVID-19 is among prisons and the toll it is taking on prisoners and staff. Much of the remarkable growth in coronavirus cases has been due to some states—Michigan, Ohio, [...]

The Marshall Project: A State-by-State Look at Coronavirus in Prisons2020-07-02T09:41:47-04:00

First Michigan Prisoner Employee dies from COVID-19


mLive reported on April 1st, 2020 that the first Michigan Department of Corrections staff member has died from complications from COVID-19. They also reported that 24 other staff members have tested positive for COVID-19. Read more here:

First Michigan Prisoner Employee dies from COVID-192020-04-10T12:29:23-04:00
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